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November 2, 2018
Interview with Dante Di Stefano

In praise of Landscapes with Donkey / Paisajes con burro:
(Back cover)
Dionisio Cañas:
“The wise donkey of Landscapes with Donkey listens to the Earth’s song and the music of the universe. This donkey with no name writes, talks, sings and observes how humans mistreat nature while seeing himself on his own journey to extinction. Through this universal donkey, Marrero Henríquez moves us and awakens our consciousness of not only the destiny of our planet and its fauna and flora, but of all humanity.”
Joseph Schraibman:
“This burro is a philosopher. His many voices make us laugh and think. The landscapes in this rich collection are physical, moral and wise. One hankers for more sallies by this poet and his charming donkey.”
Juan Carlos Galeano:
“A marvelous book written with the perspective of experiencing life with species and spaces, Landscapes with Donkey is a poetic for the Anthropocene. With his ‘I’ that is ‘other’ and a keen sense of irony and humor, Marrero Henríquez creates the imaginary of a cosmos inhabited by affections and concerns for all beings.”
Heather Sullivan:
“In Landscapes with Donkey, we hear and see the breath of life, the living land and the pulse of the aesthetic creation as shared, interactive patterns. José Manuel Marrero Henríquez’s exquisite verses express the vibrancy of cosmic matter interwoven with the donkey’s hoof
scraping the soil, consuming the grass and participating with his beating heart in the living cosmos of energy.”
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