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Recipient of the 2016 ASLE Translation Grant to support the cross-cultural sharing of ecoliterature,
Paisajes con burro /
Landscapes with Donkey
José Manuel Marrero Henríquez

Cover Art: Jesús de la Rosa, Tenerife, 2017
In Landscapes with Donkey / Paisajes con burro, Spanish poet José Manuel Marrero Henríquez follows a gentle, gray donkey on his travels through the hillsides of the Canary Islands, an archipelago located off the western coast of Africa. This wise and thoughtful “doctor of the earth” studies the limits of ground and sky with the unique perspicuity of a donkey’s gaze.
On a journey far beyond the pasture’s horizon, the donkey, humblest of poets, takes flight to the Americas, Asia and Africa to unravel the mysteries of this transcendentally beautiful and profoundly life-giving planet we call home.
Artscapes with Donkey
The wise, gentle donkey of Landscapes with Donkey is the heart of this collective project: Artscapes with Donkey. Through their unique mediums, these artists and civic groups responded to the poems of the collection to create a living landscape that channels the donkey's spirit.
Thank you to all the contributors for gifting this project their talents and vision.

Art: Jesús de la Rosa

Photo: José Angel Bueno García, Gran Canaria, 2017.
José Manuel Marrero Henríquez is a key figure in Hispanic and European ecocriticism. Poet, writer, essayist, and tenured professor of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, he has published extensively on landscape and animal representation in literature and on a variety of topics and authors of the Spanish and Latin American literary traditions. A member of the advisory board of Ecozon@. European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment since its foundation in 2010, he has served on the advisory board of EASLCE (2010-2014) and is a member of ASLE and other green interest groups. His most recent endeavor, a Poetics of Breathing, is an ecocritical theory that resonates within his creative writing and advocacy of environmental issues.
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